The Power of Support

The Power of Support: Job loss during the Holidays

Losing a job is never easy, but when it happens during the Holiday season, the emotional impact can be overwhelming. As we gather with family and friends, eating, drinking, celebrating and exchanging gifts, the weight of unemployment can feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and everyone is looking to see your outcome. However, it is during these challenging times that the importance of supportive relationships becomes truly evident; and the lack of support becomes even more evident. I am writing this blog, as I find myself unemployed during the Holidays. What has become phenomenally apparent to me is the major support and love that I am receiving from some and not others, but most of all the super-hero size support that I am receiving from my husband. It sent me down the path of researching a little bit on the effects of losing a job during the Holidays and the life-changing power of a spouse/partner, friends and family who offer unwavering support! 

There is an emotional toll of losing a job during the Holiday season, it definitely can leave us feeling a mix of emotions - uncertainty, depression, disappointment, anger, and even a sense of failure. It's essential to recognize and acknowledge these emotions, understanding that they are a natural part of the process but, in all transparency, all I felt was shock, sadness, and appalled. But, my my my,  having a supportive spouse, family, and friends provided a valuable sense of comfort and reminded me that I was not alone in this journey. Don’t get me wrong, a bit of depression set in, and I had an all expenses paid trip to a huge pity party!

However, once I started journeying into a better head-space, these are the tips I found. Thought I would share them with you, in case you or someone you know is going through this same fight.  Let’s get into it!

  1. The Power of a Supportive Spouse/Partner:
    A spouse/partner who stands by your side during job loss is a true blessing, bar none! They not only offer a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on, but they also provide emotional support, encouragement, voice of reason and unwavering belief in your skills and abilities. Their love and super size belief in you can be instrumental in helping you maintain your confidence, your sanity, your self-esteem and your resilience during this challenging time. This support makes you feel like you can conquer any obstacle!

  2. The Power of Family and Friends:
    Beyond the love and care of a supportive spouse/partner, your family and friends can play an equally critical role in helping you navigate a traumatic  job loss during the holidays. They can offer a safe and judgment-free space to express your emotions, vent, brainstorm and even provide practical assistance, such as networking connections, job leads, employment resources, entrepreneurship opportunities and more. Their support during this time, reminds you that you are part of a community that will rally around you in times of need. This support makes you feel all warm and tingly inside!

  3. The Power of finding your Strength and Gratitude:
    Trust me when I tell you, as you lean on your many different support systems, you begin to realize that job loss during the holidays can be an opportunity for looking inward, self-evaluation, reconnecting, growth, and renewed focus. Through their support, you can surely discover inner resilience, determination, and a drive to bounce back a bit stronger and a bit wiser. With the understanding and encouragement of your loved ones, you can start to recognize the silver linings within a tough situation and find gratitude for the cherished relationships that uplift and inspire you, reminding you of the importance of family and friends beyond any worldly or material possessions and especially any professional titles. Strength and Gratitude allows you to give yourself the Grace you need to keep pushing forward!

    Yes friends, losing a job during the Holiday season can be devastating and a challenging journey, filled with mountains of self-doubt. However, the power of having a supportive spouse/partner, family, and friends should never be underestimated. They become pillars of strength, resilience, and hope, as they continue to help guide you through this difficult period. They remind you to cherish the meaningful connections in your life and that a smile can still shine through the volume of tears. So my friends, as I navigate these uncertain times, I will remember that with the love and support of my loved ones, I will continue to have the courage to overcome any challenge and allow myself the opportunity to rise above adversity, emerging stronger and more determined on the other side! If this is your experience as well, I pray the same for you! Now let’s enjoy these Holidays and give the most free-expensive gift of them all - LOVE!!




Summer is leaving!