The Power of Support
Losing a job is never easy, but when it happens during the Holiday season, the emotional impact can be overwhelming. As we gather with family and friends, eating, drinking, celebrating and exchanging gifts, the weight of unemployment can feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and everyone is looking to see your outcome. However, it is during these challenging times that the importance of supportive relationships becomes truly evident; and the lack of support becomes even more evident.
Summer is leaving!
Cherish and continue to love the moments of summer joy,and don't forget to eagerly anticipate the wonders that lie ahead. So, savor these last days of warmth, and as we welcome fall with open arms, remember that every season has its unique treasures and beautiful memories waiting to be discovered. Embrace the transition and find the beauty in every stage of nature's ever-changing season upon season.
That’s not your cup
It's often said that we should strive for what others have, and that success is measured by how much we accumulate. I don’t think we should strive for exactly what someone else has but, we could definitely use another persons successful journey as a gauge for our own. We all have unique journeys, each with its own set of challenges and victories. Therefore, I don't want what everyone else has - that is not my cup!