Ep141: That one time when we agreed with Candace Owens
In this episode, we dive into the complex and contentious issue of interracial marriage as we explore the controversial perspectives that Candace Owens has voiced surrounding interracial marriage, including her thoughts on the societal implications and her decision to marry outside of her race.
Join us as we navigate this sensitive and important conversation with candor and empathy.
Ep99: Truth & Coffee Time Podcast - Relationship transparency & safe words
Safe words and good old transparency tend to empower individuals in relationships by giving them a much needed voice and a sense of control over their experiences. Whether it’s meeting for the first time, dating, committing or marriage, your voice is needed - trust us! Transparency & safe words enable individuals to express their consent, contentment or discomfort in a safe space, without fear of judgment or repercussion. When couples establish a safe word system, oooo lawd, it not only empowers each partner to communicate their boundaries but also shows a very deep level of respect and empathy for one another's needs, feelings and desires. Let’s get into this episode!
Ep26: Truth & Coffee Time Podcast - Why Your Circle Matters!
Your circle champions your dreams to greatness, even if they don't quite understand your dreams or what the end may hold. There’s true vision and strength in loyalty, it doesn't matter the size of your circle, as long as there is transparency, honesty, and trust among each other. Do you agree? Let's get into it!
Ep25: Truth & Coffee Time Podcast - The Interracial Pregame
Love is simply not enough to ensure the success of an interracial relationship. It's only the beginning of a long haul of talks, misunderstandings, insights, surprises, over-reactions, and so much more. Let's have this courageous conversation!