Advocating for each other

In your relationship are there ever deep and intense conversations about being each other's advocate? It’s not always easy maneuvering how to advocate on your partner's behalf.  The vehicle of advocacy is there but the execution isn't always clear.  How do you know what's best?  It is very clear that some portion of a relationship is built on advocacy and protection of each other.  But how do you know when you may have crossed the line?

Being a true advocate for each other, means you have taken the time to discover your partner's needs.  You are in tune with their personality and you know when and when not to come to their rescue.  Deep connections between each other can most times happen with a simple nod or look, or a different body language or movement.  Advocacy puts you right in the midst of your partner's emotions.

Although, there are times when advocacy comes in the form of standing your ground for yourself and even for others that you deeply care about.  In the middle of others' hostility or attack, you find yourself coming to their aid.  There was a moment in our early years of dating when I had to stand up against a manager who actually brought me into her office and expressed the fact that she didn’t agree with me marrying a white man.  There was a time when my husband had to stand up against a colleague who told him that being married to a black woman would ruin his life. In these instances, not only did we have to advocate for ourselves, but we also had to advocate for each other.

Becoming a unified front for each other is not easy.  It really isn't the most pleasant attribute of being in a relationship but it is indeed a necessary step that must be taken.  How you advocate for each other is always the tricky part.  However, when the moment of need presents itself, you pray to choose the best path. 

Being an advocate for each other continues to build our unified front! We wouldn’t have it any other way - would you?

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Blessed but, still need a Miracle